What people are saying about Bullpen Buddy

“The Bullpen Buddy is a useful pitching tool for all ages of pitchers. The product stands up well to the occasional stray pitch and gives potential pitchers the help they need to get the ball in the strike zone.”

“I sent this to a grandson so I never got to see the product but my son said it was great and they were using it everyday.”

“Excellent product and quality. I recommend this for pitching practice”

“My son is a pitcher and this is something he can definitely use.”

“Practice makes perfect. Probably heard that before, right? But sometimes it’s the “perfect kind of practice” that makes perfect. When working with youth baseball pitchers, I’ve found that the perfect kind of practice is to make it as game-like as possible. Here’s a simple way to do this: Always have a hitter (or “Bullpen Buddy”- training device) stand in when working in the bullpen. (If you do choose a “live” hitter, he should wear a helmet and he shouldn’t swing. This practice is for the pitcher, not the hitter.)”